Mattress Decontamination and Repairs
Did you know…?
This is just one reason why regular maintenance on pressure care systems is imperative, to avoid pressure sores and ensure quality care is maintained.
Three good reasons to look after your mattresses;

Infection Control
With mattresses often being the closest equipment in constant contact with staff, patients and other vulnerable service users’ infection control is our highest priority and we strongly recommend they should be decontaminated at least between every change of client.
Wear & Tear
Mattress pump systems are intricate and contain many moving parts that are either vibrating or turning. The wear due to their constant use, can often go unnoticed until a fault arises which can result in a reduction of effective pressure care for your client causing pressure sores or worst case – complete downtime of your equipment.
PUWER 1998 Regulation:
It is recommended by CQC that these items are serviced regularly. They also come under the PUWER 1998 Regulation, which states that equipment should be serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines, which is normally on an annual basis.
How we can help…
Full Workshop Decontamination & Assessment
Pressure Mattress Decontamination and Repairs
Pressure Mattress Decontamination and Repairs are also completed in our specialist workshop when required as recommended either between service users or for a pending fault or damage.
Our dedicated team ensures that your system is collected, bench tested and fully assessed for efficiency and safety. Any workshop repairs are quoted and completed swiftly, and equipment returned to site as quickly as possible.
With our simple 5 step process, let our pressure care team take care of your valuable mattress systems, by giving them a full decontamination, and service either on an ad-hoc or contract basis, it will prolong the life and effectiveness of your equipment to aid continuous care.
We collect, repair and return! Our simple process…
1. Place your request online on our smartsheet HERE
2. We arrange the collection of your equipment
3. Your equipment is decontaminated, bench tested and assessed for repair
4. A full report is compiled, and quote is raised (if required) for repair/replacement
5. The repair is completed, and the equipment is returned
On Site Service Visit including Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
We also carry out on-site servicing of pressure care mattress pump units, as this significantly reduces breakdowns, and prevents down time and minimises the need to hire equipment. Multiple repairs and service parts can be fitted on site saving you additional return charges and call outs.
NHM can also oÂffer Loan equipment, new equipment and an onsite callout service
Call us today on 01444 250 350